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- 2018-6-12
[已回答] 论坛无法打开,麻烦管理员帮忙看看 谢谢!
Discuz! info: MySQL Query Error
Time: 2013-12-9 1:54pm
Script: /index.php
SQL: SELECT sid, uid AS sessionuid, groupid, groupid='6' AS ipbanned, pageviews AS spageviews, styleid, lastolupdate, seccode
FROM [Table]sessions WHERE sid='FzBtGF' AND CONCAT_WS('.',ip1,ip2,ip3,ip4)=''
Error: No database selected
Errno.: 1046
Similar error report has been dispatched to administrator before.
到 http://faq.comsenz.com 搜索此错误的解决方案
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